Testosterone Injections Prescribed by Anti-Aging & Age Management Physicians in  Miami for Low T.

Testosterone Injections for Miami Men with Andropause or Low T

Testosterone injections are the most widely practiced and cost effective means of testosterone therapy. These steroid hormone injections are self-administered by men suffering from low circulating free testosterone levels. 

It is the free testosterone that is bio-available,  or able to be used by a man's body - as opposed to the total testosterone level that includes bound androgens that are not available. For this reason, a man can have relatively "normal" testosterone levels and yet have all the symptoms of Low T.  If your general or family doctor has told you, "your levels are normal," but feel that you may have symptoms of Low T, don't hesitate  to contact the physicians at the Miami Low T Center for a second opinion. We truly are the Miami Testosterone Experts. 

Miami HRT Testosterone injections are safe and effective, and most importantly, they produce immediate results. They boost sex drive and enhance  sexual function, improve mood and drive, increase metabolism and mental activity in men who take them. Testosterone injections are widely resorted to by hypogonadal men undergoing treatment for the replacement of low androgen levels. If you have a male hormone deficiency ask your physician about the injectable form of testosterone. Below we discuss how testosterone in administered, dosages and the types shots men take to treat their androgen deficiency (Andropause).  

Testosterone injections are intramuscular injections, in which the hormone is injected directly into the muscle so that it is directly absorbed into the blood stream. The quantity of testosterone to be injected depends on the person health conditions and testosterone levels in blood.

Injectable Testosterone is esterified first to inhibit degradation and fast release. The esters make the testosterone hormone soluble in an oil-based steroid solution ready for injection. The shot creates a depot  under the skin into the muscle where the androgen is released steadily over time. The most common esterified compounds used for androgen steroid injections are testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate, and testosterone propionate. The esterified compound is then injected into the body either weekly, bi-weekly or monthly depending upon the dosing schedule prescribed by the doctor.

Before taking a testosterone injection, tell your doctor about all other prescription medicines, nutritional supplements and herbal products you are taking. If you are diabetic, these injections can affect your blood sugar levels. Testosterone replacement therapy is not for everyone, make sure to tell your doctor if you have or are at risk for coronary disease, cancer or prostate problems. 

The benefits of testosterone injections include more energy and muscle strength, stronger bones, less wrinkling and skin thickening, dramatic improvement in sexual desire, reduced body fat, much improved mood and drive, better sleep with decreased irritability and depression. Testosterone injections are also recommended for otherwise healthy men persons with high cholesterol and  blood pressure as they improve  good cholesterol and blood flow to the heart during exercise. Testosterone has been shown to enhance the dilation of coronary arteries, the arteries providing blood to heart muscles increasing blood flow and decreasing blood pressure.

Effects of Injecting Testosterone. Immediately after every testosterone injection, a man's blood serum testosterone level is elevated higher than his current natural levels bringing free circulating androgens back up into normal and optimal ranges for improved health and wellness. In the normal course of therapy, after 4 or 5 days it tends to drop back down and another shot is administered to re-elevate testosterone levels in the blood .

6 Types of Injectable Testosterone used in TRT Programs

There are six types of androgen steroids used in TRT programs to get results. These forms are considered bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as the molecular structure of the hormone are identical to those naturally produced by the body. When seeking Male HRT treatments in Miami like testosterone replacement therapy, it is important to make sure you are getting real testosterone legally through a licensed medical  professional. Only an experienced physician understands the different types of approved testosterone injections and treatment options. Our physicians are trained by Cenegenics, Mayo Clinic and the Cleveland clinic. They can help you determine the best treatment plan and buy the best form of testosterone to optimize your health and increase the  quality of your life.

Below you can get to know the forms of injectable testosterone replacement therapy, and you are welcome to contact our Miami Low T Center to speak to a hormone health professional about which type of therapy may be right for you:

1)  Cypionate is considered a “long acting” testosterone, being metabolized in approximately seven to eight days. Cypionate is often begun with a starting dose similar to enanthate (100 mg to 200 mg), but only administered every seven days. One of the most popular cypionate injections is Pfizer's Depo-Testosterone. Learn more about Depo-Testosterone Injections in Miami.

2)  Enanthate is a testosterone ester that is metabolized over four to five days. In some cases, low levels may remain in the body for up to two weeks. To maintain levels, injections should be administered every five days. This form of testosterone is commonly administered via intramuscular injection (IM) at the approximate starting dose of 100 to 200 mg every five to seven days. This should bring a patient within optimal ranges (800 ng to 1000 ng) is 100 mg to 200 mg IM every five to seven days; however, every patient is different. Baseline testosterone levels and other factors may influence initial dose and maintenance plan.

3) Propionate is a fast-acting ester. This testosterone ester can peak in the blood within hours of being administered and be metabolized over three days. Injections should be administered every two to three days. You must weigh the “positives” with the “negatives” before using propionate. This is only prescribed in special cases, as it has to be administered frequently. However, it quickly stabilizes testosterone levels, but risks aromatization into estrogen, which can lead to negative side effects.

4.) Testosterone Undecanoate injection is an androgen indicated for testosterone replacement therapy in adult males for conditions associated with Adropause.  Undecoanate is  a long-acting depot form of testosterone. This formulation of testosterone comes in a castor oil and benzyl benzoate solution. It offers a dosing schedule  1 shot initially, at 4 weeks and then 10 weeks thereafter. A single 3-mL (750 mg) intramuscular injection is given.

5) Testosterone suspension is also known as “no ester.” This water-based (Aqueous) form of testosterone requires frequent intramuscular injections, as it remains in the body for a short, limited number of hours. The injection is often very painful and experience has shown that the risks outweigh the benefits. This particular form does not come highly recommended.

6) Omnadren and Sustanon Blends: Omnadren 250 is an oil-based injectable containing a blend of four different testosterone esters: Testosterone propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate and caproate. Being a four-component testosterone, Omnadren is most commonly compared to Sustanon.  Sustanon 250 is comprised of four types of esters which are testosterone compounds combined into one. Sustanon was developed by Organon for long-acting Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) treatment.

The medical team at Miami HRT  can help you determine which of the four different types of injectable testosterone is best for your health goals and lifestyle. For treating erectile dysfunction our ED Treatments for men's sexual health offers a variety of solutions such as TriMix and other custom blends of Androgens medications and male enhancement drugs for optimal results. For men who no longer desire to use androgen creams, gels or patches, the injectbale form of testosterone utilizing multiple esters dramatically improves the body’s response and more successful treatment  outcomes.

Miami Men who take testosterone injections dramatically increase their sex drive and sexual function, energy levels, strength, and muscle tone. Medical studies show that men experience a gradual loss of the male sex hormone androgen starting around the age of 35, and by the age of 75 have adverse health conditions and debilitating signs and symptoms including erectile dysfunction, depression and extensive muscle loss. Men who have low testosterone levels and don't seek treatment to replace low androgen levels find an increase in the number of health-related issues they experience.
Miami HRT is the leading Testosterone Replacement Treatment Center serving all of South Florida with Bio-Identical HRT, ED Therapy (Impotence Treatment), Hormone Optimization, Anti-Aging Treatments, Age Medicine and Male Health Rejuvenation. To see if you might have a Testosterone deficiency, contact our medical clinic at 877-736-7761 or fill out the TRT Info Form for pricing and treatment information.

Low T Symptoms in Men such as declining libido, complete lack of energy, social withdrawal, depression, increased body fat, reduced strength, mood swings, hot flashes and inability to sleep are debilitating. If your hormone levels are lower than normal, you could be a candidate for a Low Testosterone Program.  Men who get treatment for Low T using a comprehensive Low T Therapy program find the quality of their lives dramatically improve including their  sexual health, energy levels, drive to succeed, ability to workout, build strong muscle, lose weight  and improve overall body composition.

The Miami HRT Testosterone Treatment  Program is the most comprehensive male hormone replacement  program serving residents of Miami and Fort Lauderdale areas. We have treated over 20,000 men in their late 30's to late 70's restore low testosterone levels helping to alleviate symptoms due to age related decline, hypogonadism or Andropause, the male menopause. Our  Urologists, Endocrinologists, and Anti-Aging Medicine Doctors are Cenegenics and Mayo Clinic Trained in Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

Buy Testosterone Injections at the Miami Low T Center
Learn more about  male hormone replacement therapy for men suffering from Low T by calling our Male HRT Center at 877-736-7761 or fill out the TRT Info Form and a hormone specialist will contact you.
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